Friday 4 March 2022

Year 2 Week 2 Learning


 We have reached the end of another fun filled week in Year 2. Take a look at what we have been up to this week.


We have been eco-warriors in literacy this week! We wrote questions to ask Year 3 what they are already doing to help our environment.

'Do you recycle paper, glass and plastic at home?' - Sophie

'Do you bring a reusable water bottle to school?' - Elsie

'Do you turn off the taps when you brush your teeth?' - Olivia

'Do you walk to school?' - Elliot

We wrote our questions into a tally chart and then had a visit from the lovely Year 3 children where we had the opportunity to ask them our questions and record our results. We then wrote up some of our findings, it was very interesting to see what other children already do to help the environment!


This week in Maths, we have been continuing our work on division. We have been tackling some tricky number sentences and word problems, practicing applying the skills we have learnt to solve them. Here are the steps that we have been following;

Steps To Success

1. Find the total.

2. How many groups?

3. Share the total into equal groups.

4. How many in each group?


In Science, we are learning about the properties of materials. We started our new topic with an experiment to see which ball was the bounciest. We made a prediction about what we thought would happen and wrote a hypothesis. We then considered the steps we needed to take to ensure we conducted a fair test. After that, we tested the bounce of each ball and recorded our results.

Vocabulary: hypothesis, prediction, results, fair test

Look out for our World Book Day Blog to see some of the activities we have been doing this week!

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