Saturday 19 March 2022

Year 1 Week 4 Learning Science Week




This week the children took part in a class discussion on deciding  if the snail should go on an adventure with the whale. The children also completed writing persuading each other, if the snail should go with the whale or not!

Robyn: “ If the snail doesn’t go he can’t save the whale.” 

Ivan: “The whale might betray the whale. “

Next week, Year 1will be practicing the skill of note-taking and writing up their notes into a newspaper article.

 What are adjectives?

How to Care for Garden Snails - Pet Snail


The children learnt about lengths and heights this week. They used both standard measuring equipment like rulers and non-standard ones like cubes to measure the lengths of different objects.  Also, they  compared different lengths and heights. During the lessons, the children had the opportunity to use comparative vocabulary like short, shorter, tall, taller, tallest etc. 

Next week, the children will continue to learn about measurement focusing on weight and mass.

Subtraction Grids - Topmarks

   Hit the Button  

Snappy Maths

Mental Math Train - A Four Operations Game

Science Week: Growth

This week we have been celebrating Science Week in Year 1. The children have been taking part in a variety of experiments related to growth.

Cress Seed Experiment

We looked at the question ‘What do seeds need to grow?’ And p,an Ed our experiment. First we discussed what seeds need to germinate and grow, after we made our predictions, and completed a prediction grid. To keep our experiment fair we discussed the variables which would remain the same  and changed. We will be observing the cress seeds to see which seeds grow.

Sofia: “ I think thats too much water and the seeds won't start to grow.”

Life Cycle of Butterfly

Last year, the children observed the life cycle of a butterfly in their classes and wrote labels for each stage. This week we have been exploring the life cycle of butterflies in more detail and writing descriptions about each stage of the life cycle. 

Do all our body parts grow as we get older?

Year 5 And Year 1 Do all our body parts grow as we get older?

Year 1 and Year 5 worked together to complete the scientific investigation. 

Fizzy Fun Science Experiments 

Gardening in Year 1 

We started to prepare our outside area ready for planting next term. Year 1 showed great resilience and reciprocity as they worked together to complete our planters. 

Red Nose Day

What’s going on? Born to Dance

As part of our Red Nose Day experiences, the children took part in a discussion about dancers of different ages. The children were describing their observations and applying their  ideas . Afterwards the children tried a range of different dance techniques. 

Pointillism Art

In Art this term, the children have been painting using the technique of Pointillism. The children painted tiny dots of pure colour and watched as patterns formed as the tiny dots created an image. We have also studied the famous paintings by  George Seurat too.

Apricot Class Forest School

Apricot class had a great morning in the sun at forest school. We played squirrels in the trees, thought about animal homes and how they make them. We also looked closely at a nest. Various woodland creatures were made from clay, such as hedgehogs, a few ladybirds, a spider and even some flowers. We used our thumbs up, middle and down reflection to close our session. There were lots of thumbs up.

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