Friday 4 March 2022

Year 1 Awards



We have had another great week and there has been so much to celebrate in Year 1! 

These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence

Walnut: Aryaan

Aryaan worked very hard  to accurately compare numbers up to 50 in maths. Fantastic effort!



Edward has been trying hard in math. Edward has been completing addition  number sentences and trying to write the correct numbers. Amazing! 

Beech: Nyasa

Nyasa, in recognition of her hard work and always trying 100% in every task she completes. You have worked extremely hard in all areas of the curriculum and you are an excellent role model in Beech class too. Excellent work Nyasa!



  Star Writers 



Anya wrote superb predictions  for the story, The Queen’s Handbag and used a conjunction to link her ideas. Well done!




Apricot: Parisa 

Parisa has been working hard on her handwriting. She tried really hard on her prediction, writing about where the swan was going to carry the Queen’s Handbag. Great job!






Elsie, For writing an excellent prediction for the story, The Queen’s handbag. Well done Elsie.





Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 



These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective  ideas and methods from others. 


This has been awarded to:



These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 


This has been awarded to: Cruz

Cruz  has been thinking carefully about his work and making necessary improvements.







These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 


This has been awarded to: Sultan 




Jorgie has earned the award for not giving up but always trying her best in her writing. Amazing!




These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 


This has been awarded to:



I Made My Teacher Happy Award 

This has been awarded to: Bruno

Bruno has been making great chives in the classroom. He has always been super creative making lots of fantastic things! 




Oscar returned to school with a super positive attitude. You have worked super hard in all areas of the curriculum.Well done Oscar!




Athena has made a great effort to speed up her writing. She is writing a lot more and is always neat and tidy. 


Kayden tried really hard to use his sounds to write sentences  about London landmarks. Great effort!

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