Tuesday 23 July 2024

Abig Thank you from Year 1!

The Year 1 Team would like to thank all the children and parents for such a fantastic year. We would like to Thank you for the support you have given us and for volunteering for our school trips. We really do appreciate it. 

Thank you for all of our gifts and cards. We are so grateful for all your kind words and generosity. 

Your children have worked so hard this year and we are all so proud of them. 

Make sure you come to visit us!

Love From 

Miss Hamilton, Miss Myers, Miss Hurrell, Miss McCleneghan , Mrs O'Riordan, Miss Bullman and Mrs Ellender 


Friday 19 July 2024

Year 1: What We Are Learning


Year 1: What We Are Learning 

Year 1 have been working really hard this week. 

 In Literacy this week the children wrote about their favourite memories from Year 1. They worked hard to use adjectives and conjunctions.

The children have also been working hard in Read, Write, Inc this week.

In Maths this week the children have been working hard on positions such as left and right. They learnt about quarter turns, half turns, three-quarter turns and full turns.

In Geography this week the children worked in groups to present their very own weather reports.

In Science the children tested the bouncability of different balls and discussed whether their predictions were correct.

Well done Year 1 for an amazing week - keep up all your brilliant work! 

Friday 12 July 2024

Year 2 Visit to Discover Story Centre


On Friday 28.6.24, Pine Class went on a trip to Discover Story Centre. On Monday 8.7.24 and Wednesday 10.7.24 Rowan and Mulbery Classes had the opportunity to visit the centre. The children had an amazing time in the story rooms exploring the facilities, dressing up as different characters and creating characters out of wooden spoons. Additionally, they had the opportunity to create story settings and look through a telesccope. In the garden they blasted off to their own imaginary space and came back to earth again. There were also slides to add to their enjoyment. Overall, they had an enjoyable time.

Year 2 Team



Meet the new Year 2 Team

Now is the time to introduce you to your new teachers for

September. They are all extremely excited to meet you and

have been working hard to plan lots of exciting lessons!

If you are in Beech Class, your

teacher will be Mrs Fayefunmi

(Year Group Leader) .

You will be in Mulberry Class.

If you are in Apricot Class, your

teacher will be  Miss Harman

and you will be in Rowan Class.

If you are in Walnut Class,

your teacher will be Mrs Nur

and you will be in Pine Class.

Other adults supporting in Year 2 will be:


Mr Maher

Miss Perry

      Anitha Pradeep                          

Alek Kazakova

12.07.24- What we are learning



Chocolate Planet 

This week in literacy, pupils looked at the features of a letter and then they planned their letters as Frag and Gala to send to their parents to tell them all about their adventures to the planet Um. Then pupils wrote their letters out before editing them using the features of a letter checklist.  


This week, the Year 2 children have worked very hard  to subtract using the column method. They learnt to place the digits in the correct column while ensuring they put the biggest number on top of the smaller one. Next, they subtracted the bottom number from the top number in the ones column. 


This week, the children started their position and direction unit. They learnt about using vocabulary associated with  positions like right, left, between, below etc. Next about quarter, three-quarters, half, full turns with clockwise and anticlockwise movements. Brilliant effort!


This week in geography, pupils learnt all about the equator and how the Earth's Equator is the imaginary line that runs through the centre of the globe. Pupils were then able to identify the countries that were either above, below or on the equator using a map.

Forest School

Rowan class popped on their waterproofs and made 

the most of the rain. We used the shelter for crafts, 

made mini hotels and had a try at lighting mini fires.

We saw grasshoppers, snails and slugs 

and played lots of games.

Year 1: What We Are Learning


Year 1: What We Are Learning 

Year 1 have been working really hard this week. 

 In Literacy this week the children have written about their trip to Barleylands. They remembered the different animals that they met and were able to use adjectives to describe them. The children worked hard to remember their sentence rules. Well done Year 1!

The children have also been working hard in Read, Write, Inc his week. Please continue to read with your children and work on their Spellings with them. Please remember to sign your child's Reading Record Book. 

In Maths this week the children have worked hard to recognise different times on the clocks. They were able to recognise different times such as o'clock and half past.

In Geography this week the children learnt about different types of extreme weather. They were able to recognise the different symbols and write what type of extreme weather was being show in each picture.

In Science the children made predictions for their bouncability experiment. They predicted which balls they thought would bounce the highest and explained why.

The children had an amazing day this week at Go Bonkers. They loved taking part in all the inflatable fun!

In RE year one created posters about kindness.

Well done Year 1 for an amazing week - keep up all your brilliant work!