Friday 12 July 2024

12.07.24- What we are learning



Chocolate Planet 

This week in literacy, pupils looked at the features of a letter and then they planned their letters as Frag and Gala to send to their parents to tell them all about their adventures to the planet Um. Then pupils wrote their letters out before editing them using the features of a letter checklist.  


This week, the Year 2 children have worked very hard  to subtract using the column method. They learnt to place the digits in the correct column while ensuring they put the biggest number on top of the smaller one. Next, they subtracted the bottom number from the top number in the ones column. 


This week, the children started their position and direction unit. They learnt about using vocabulary associated with  positions like right, left, between, below etc. Next about quarter, three-quarters, half, full turns with clockwise and anticlockwise movements. Brilliant effort!


This week in geography, pupils learnt all about the equator and how the Earth's Equator is the imaginary line that runs through the centre of the globe. Pupils were then able to identify the countries that were either above, below or on the equator using a map.

Forest School

Rowan class popped on their waterproofs and made 

the most of the rain. We used the shelter for crafts, 

made mini hotels and had a try at lighting mini fires.

We saw grasshoppers, snails and slugs 

and played lots of games.

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