Thursday 10 November 2022

Year 1 & 2 England Rocks 14.11.22 (Non-uniform day)


Reminder - England Rocks! 14.11.22


We are very excited to announce this years England Rocks competition! The competition will be held between Monday 14th November - Wednesday 16th November. This is a competition held on times table rock stars (TTRS). 

On Monday 14th November, we are welcoming children and teachers to dress up as their favourite rock stars! Some have said they even want to copy their TTRS avatar and we are very excited to see their favourite costumes. 

At school, we will celebrate the top 3 most valuable players within the school in the E for E assembly and each year group will also announce the top 3 most valuable players in their year.

Every correct answer that a student gives, in any game type, between the hours of 7:30am to 7:30pm each day within the competition period will contribute to their class and school score. There is a 60 minute time limit playtime per player, per day. Those 60 minutes do not need to be played in one block - they can be spread throughout each day. 

We can't wait to rock with you! 

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