Friday 11 November 2022

11.11.22-Wonderful Learning in Yr 2


What a wonderful week we have had, full of great learning and fun. Here are some of the highlights of our week! 


In Literacy this week, children have continued to learn about the Great Fire of London. They started to write sentences in the past tense which has helped them understand that the Great Fire of London happened in the past, it is part of History. Through the week, they began to gather facts about the Great Fire of London and recall them. This helped the children put themselves in the shoes of Londoners in the past and compare their lives to Londoners now. 

Lilly said, "London used to be very busy, it is still is now but London used to be dirty and smelly because we didn't have cleaners."

Athena said, "The streets of London were lit by fire and candles because there was no electricity in 1666."


In Maths, children have continued to build their knowledge on addition and subtraction. This week they have been working on their number bonds to 10. They have been learning how to make 10 in several different ways but have also been answering reasoning questions based on number bonds to 10. We have used concreate and pictorial resources to help us with our number bonds to 10.

Aryaan said, "If I know that 6 add 4 is 10, then I know that 16 add 4 is 20. It is just 10 more."

Riley said, "The long, green dienes represent tens and the small yellow dienes represent ones."


In Science, we have been exploring the changes in objects when they are heated. We explored water, chocolate and bread this week. We found out the materials can be changed when they heated but some materials have the ability to change back to original state whereas others don't. Below are some thoughts that children expressed. 

Himanshi said, "Bread can be heated and it will become crispy but we cannot change it back to normal, soft bread."

Amaira said, "When chocolate is heated, it melts but you can make it hard again by freezing it."

Adam said, "When water is heated, it bubbles. You can cool water by putting ice in it."


This week, the children developed the knowledge of the Great Fire of London which happened in 1666 and learnt about the story behind the fire. Children used pictures to order the events that occurred. We found out that the fire started on Sunday in a bakery on Pudding Lane and spreaded for four days. Homes were mainly builts of wood therefore the fire managed to spread quickly and damaged most of London, including the St Paul's Cathedral. The children really enjoyed sequencing the events and found out many interesting facts


What wonderful learning we have had from Year 2. Well done everyone!

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