Tuesday 28 February 2017

Pancake Day in Mulberry Class

Pancake Day in Mulberry Class!

The children were very excited to hear that they would be celebrating pancake day by making their own pancakes in class!

The children worked in groups of 6, making a batch of batter. The fun started at 8:30am, as soon as the children started to arrive in school. They were very excited to see the pancakes being tossed high in the air- with only one landing on the floor!!


The children then got to pick what they wanted to put on their pancake. They had the option of blueberries, golden syrup, lemon and sugar... some chose all three toppings!


Callie: 'I love my pancake! Blueberries are my favourite!'

Malachi: 'I wanted to eat them all!'

Peter: 'I liked it when Miss Chappel Flipped it. It nearly touched the ceiling!'

Nathan: 'I liked making my own pancakes.'

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