Friday 8 March 2024

Year 2 What We Are Learning



This week in Literacy pupils continued their learning about postcards. We were ourselves this week and imagined a trip we could have been on. We wrote descriptive sentences about these places. We wrote about places like Disneyland, hot islands and London. We were lucky enough to receive our own postcard delivery from Miss Mullan's parents who are in Singapore!


This week, the children learnt to order different heights and lengths using the inequalities symbols.  Thereafter, the solved measures problems using the four operations. Well done Year 2.


Pupils learnt about the 99 names Muslims use to describe God and the importance of prophet Muhammed for Muslim people. Pupils used their understanding of how Muslims follow the teaching of the prophet to think about an influential person in their own life that they follow and listen to.

Forest School

Pine Class were thinking about noticing the details around us at forest school today. They went on a treasure hunt to fill their matchboxes with tiny treasures found at forest school. Then they chose from a range of activities including seating with a blindfold on and noticing the sounds. Using their sense of smell to identify herbs, cloud watching and using tubes to look through and spot the tiny things we might often miss. Great attention to detail today Year 2. 

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