Friday 1 March 2024

Year 2 What We Are Learning



This week in Literacy pupils were introduced to the Meerkat Mail book and what the features of a postcard are. They were able to plan and write a postcard as Sunny, the main character, who has visited the marsh. Also, they wrote descriptive sentences using different forms of sentences. Well done Year 2!


This week, the children learnt about lengths and heights. They measured and read the lengths and heights of different items. Thereafter, they compared the lengths of various items using key vocabulary like longer, shorter, greater than and less than. 


This week, the children explored what Islam is and what do Muslims believe in. They have sorted pictures relating to Islam and some that had nothing to do with Islam into two sections, Islam and Not Islam. They were able to use clues from the picture and prior knowledge of Islam to successfully organise the pictures.

                                                            Forest School

Year 2 were a bit apprehensive about going out in the pouring rain this morning but we made sure we all had our waterproofs on and then we were off. The rain held off some of the time and some sun came out too. We thought about trees today looking at their bark to identify them, thinking about their shapes to draw them and measuring them to work out their rough ages. Great learning Pine Class. 

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