Tuesday 13 March 2018

KS1 Science Show Fun!!

Today the children were very excited to meet a mad scientist who taught them lots of exciting scientific facts! The children learned about forces and could use terms such as 'gravity' 'push/pull' 'friction'. They also learned about the theories of  Isaac Newton and his impact on scientific thought. 

Later, they were astonished to watch children whizz round the hall on a hover board and they enjoyed helping out with each of the experiments.

'Friction is a force between two objects like the heat you feel between your hands when you rub them together' Kanishka
'Air resistance is friction, we saw it keep the balls in the air' David
'The air helped the board hover off the floor and float around' Maisie
'I really liked the experiments they were so much fun!' Ellie
'The scientist was so funny!' Chris

If you want to discover facts about Isaac Newton, click on the link: Isaac Newton

Portrait of Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton is considered one of the most important scientists in history. Even Albert Einstein said that Isaac Newton was the smartest person that ever lived. During his lifetime Newton developed the theory of gravity, the laws of motion (which became the basis for physics), a new type of mathematics called calculus, and made breakthroughs in the area of optics such as the reflecting telescope.

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