Monday 24 October 2022

Year 1 in Action October 2022


Year 1 in Action October 1

We have been working super hard in the continuous provision this month. The children have enjoyed working together to design their own race courses using the track equipment. The children found the pieces they needed to extend their track and began taking turns racing each other. 

Others have been challenging themselves in the math area and using hundred squares to practise writing numbers from 1-100. Afterwards the children counted in hundreds using the hundred square to support them, counting from 100 up to 2000.

As part of our Beegu unit of work the children have been creating alien friends in the self-led learning sessions and requesting different crafts needed to complete their alien friends. 

Theo the Reading Dog

The children have had  the opportunity to have a special meet and greet with Theo the dog. Some of the children will have the chance to read stories to Theo, who really enjoys a good story and hug!

Independent writing 

Imaginative play 

Children have been making up their own games by creating make up and brushes to get each other ready for a special party. 


The children in year 1 have been enjoying sketching using kids' hub. They have been drawing familiar characters as well as spooky Halloween pumpkins!

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