Sunday 11 December 2022

Year 1 Awards 09.12.22



These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence

Apricot: Zofia

Zofia has been working hard on her Maths and Literacy. Zofia has been contributing her ideas to her friends, helping around the classroom and trying her best in every lesson. 


Livai, you have been working incredibly hard to be a positive role model in class. You have worked so hard completing all your tasks with a super positive attitude. Excellent work Livai.


Roza is always a great role model to her peers and for always being polite to her teachers. Well done!

  Star Writers 

Apricot: Lirsa 

Lirsa has been working hard on her letter formation. She tries hard to sound out unfamiliar words and uses her finger spaces when she is writing sentences. 






Beech: Millen

Millen, you rewrote the story of Pattan’s Pumpkin and included adjectives and conjunctions to extend your writing. Well done Millen 


Walnut: Emma 

Emma has been using the sound mat to assist in her writing. Emma has also made good use of key vocabulary around the classroom. Well done!


Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 



These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective  ideas and methods from others. 


This has been awarded to: 

Victor, Kai and Livai






These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 


This has been awarded to:




These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 


This has been awarded to: Araoluwa


I Made My Teacher Happy Award 

This has been awarded to: Millen and Alfie 

Thank you to Millen and Alfie who stepped in at the last minute to be party sheep in the Nativity. You both did a fantastic job! 

Sonny & Callie

Callie, what a fantastic and positive attitude you have shown when completing all of your work. You have worked hard to complete activities independently too! Super work Callie! 

Sonny, you have been working incredibly hard during the RWI sessions. Well done Sonny!




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