Friday 2 December 2022

Wonderful Learning in Yr 2- 02.12.2022


What a wonderful week we have had, full of great learning and fun. Here are some of the highlights of our week! 


In Literacy this week, children have written a newspaper report on The Great Fire of London. They have focused on including facts and figures in their reports. This included gathering evidence from Samuel Pepys’ diary using other books and resources to gather statistical facts. Children used their best reporter voice to articulate sentences and then have transferred it into their writing.


In Maths this week, children have continued to develop their addition and subtraction skills further by learning number bonds within and over 100 and adding and subtracting in 1s. Children used pictorial and concrete resources to solve fluency and reasoning problems when covering these two objectives. 

Choosing time

During choosing time, children in Year 2 have explored different resources to make wonderful creations. They have engaged in meaningful conversation outside of the classroom. It has been wonderful to see children creating boats, cars, submarines and hotels during their choosing time. They have also shown evidence of counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s using resources in and outside of the classroom. We are looking forward to seeing their creative minds grow further. 


Year 2 has started a new topic in Science which is Living things. As part of our learning, we went to explore things that are  alive, dead or have never been alive. This could have been a leaf, tree, grass, plastic, bugs, insects, birds and many other objects. Children were also able to state reasons why things might be alive or dead. Some children said that if things are moving or breathing then they are alive. Others said that once something has fallen off a tree, turns brown or changes colour or looks fragile, it has died. Well done everyone. 

Well done Year 2!

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