Sunday 15 April 2018

MASSIVE Kumon Achievements For Arya & Adam!

A big congratulations to Adam and Arya who have reached level G in their Kumon studies this term. This is a huge achievement for many reasons, mainly being that Level G is the start of GCSE work and these boys are in Year 4!

Also, the boys must be praised for their continuous resilience and grit thought-out their Kumon studies. Both Adam and Arya have been on Kumon since Reception which requires them to complete extra maths tasks everyday including the school holidays and weekends! They have truly understood that to be successful, you must be prepared to put in the hard work. Even when they were faced with barriers or found it challenging  they did not give up.

In addition, by reaching  this landmark level the boys have proven that they have mastered the art of arithmetic maths. They can confidently work with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions and can use all operations to solve very complex problems.

Lastly, by mastering arithmetic the boys are now going on to even trickier algebraic maths which, as the president of Kumon stated in his letter to the boys:

" Algebra becomes the key problem-solving skill in many fields, such as Science, Engineering, Compuing and Economincs!                                    Tadashi Nakatsuka - President of Kumon (Europe)

So who knows what the future holds in terms of careers for the boys but with these skills embedded, they will have greater power to choose. Well done boys, we are all extremely proud of you and know where to come when we are struggling with our calculations!

A special mention must also be given to the families and teachers (past and present) of these boys. Without their on-going encouragement and support, this tremendous achievement could not have been made. As previously mentioned, the Kumon program requires a profound level of commitment from all involved to ensure it is successful; Adam and Arya's families have exhibited this commitment over the years and have been a great example of how Kumon should be used.

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