Friday 19 January 2018

Maths in Year 1- adding and subtracting

Addition and Subtraction

This term, the children have been using their knowledge of adding and subtraction with numbers up 20, to solve problems.

They have been looking at addition and understanding that it is commutative (an be solved using either number first), but that they start should start with the larger number in order to add on efficiently.

In subtraction, the children have been learning that in Year 1, we start with the biggest number first and count backwards.

The children have been using many strategies to help them solve their calculations...

Number Line: Louie chose to use a number line to answer is subtraction number sentence. he started on the biggest number and jumped backward, remembering not to jump on the spot for his first jump.

20 Frame: Lilly chose to use a 20 Frame. She was familiar with the frame so could quickly and efficiently count out the starting number using counters. Starting with the largest number, she put 7 on the fram and using a different colour to show the differ amount she added it on.
She worked out the answer by putting 10 in her head and counting on 2.

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