Friday 30 November 2018

Change of spelling in Year One

Image result for spellings

Dear Parents/Carers,

At Broadford Primary we teach every child the importance of good spelling. We want every child to be a good speller and to take a keen interest in the spelling and meaning of words. To support this we have made some changes to the type of words your child will take home in their spelling test.

During their daily phonics sessions the children learn to read and write new sounds and words. They regularly practise spelling words with the sound they have taught and previously taught sounds.

The national curriculum also states that children in Year 1 need to learn to spell common exception words and high frequency words, you may know these as ‘red words’ from the Read, Write, Inc programme. These words often have to be practised more frequently as the children will need to remember the spelling pattern.

To support the children to learn to spell these words and apply these correctly in their writing these are the words they will take home to practise with you. The children will practise their spellings from Monday to Thursday and take their test on Friday.

The children will receive new words once they have spelt all of their spellings correctly on a Friday. If they still need to practise the words and haven’t spelt them all correctly then they will take home the same words to practise. This is to ensure the children really learn these tricky words and are secure with their spelling before moving on to a new set of words.

Thank you for your continued support. Please make sure you continue to practise spellings at home and remember to bring in your spelling books.

Yours faithfully,

The Year One Team  

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