Thursday 20 April 2017

Image result for new pound coins
Year One's 'Pound Party' Project

Year One have started an exciting new project called 'Pound Party'. This half term the children will be set the task of designing and making cakes or biscuits. This is a cross-curricular project that the children are already excited about. The project will comprise of :

Computing: research using books and ICT
Geography: where the ingredients originally come from
D and T: design and make a cake 
Literacy: write a set of instructions, write a persuasive letter, write a shopping list
Maths: money-addition and subtraction, measures- weighing and capacity  
Science- changing materials 

The children will choose if they would like to make a cake independently or in a group. 

In order to get their pound from the school, they will have to persuade Mr Drakes, Mrs Nicholls, Mrs Stanley or our office and finance manger, that they need the pound to support their deeper understanding of the above subjects. They will compose their argument and present it as a group. 

The children are already very excited about this and some have even started to research cakes at home and bring in recipe books. 

Towards the end of the project, the children will visit Tesco, where they will buy their ingredients and bake their cake, ready for a Year One tea party! 

                                                         Image result for cupcake

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