Sunday 9 April 2017

Year 2 Tackle The Tent!

Over the course of the Spring term the children in Year 2 have been developing their reciprocity skills to put up a tent. They had access to the tent at all times in the outdoor area and were allowed to put it up and take it down as many times as they wanted, the only catch was that they were not allowed any help from an adult...
At first, as you could imagine, the children found this very difficult. They found it hard to work as a team and were reluctant to use the instructions. They wanted the easy way out and begged for help!
"Oh please just show us Mrs Smith!" they pleaded.
However, the adults had to stay true to their word and ensure they did not tell the children what to do. Therefore, the children realised that if they wanted to play in the tent; they needed to keep trying! Slowly, the children began to figure out how to follow the instructions and put their heads together to work out a system. After a few gruelling weeks, the first group of children were successful!
"We did it!" shouted the very excited group.
After this, there was no stopping them! Triumphantly, over the weeks, different groups of children managed to put the tent up without an ounce of adult support. In fact, many didn't need the instructions and were able to do it from memory!
It was great to observe such high levels of engagement and determination in the children which ultimately led to their success. This challenge enabled the children to develop their ability to work effectively in a group and also meant they were better at following written instructions.

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