Friday 13 September 2024

Year 2 What We Are Learning



This week in history we had an introduction to the

Great fire of London. We learnt about

1666 and compared it to now. We thought about all

the differences in the way the people used to live and

how we live now. We noticed that the houses were

timber – covered in a flammable substance called pitch

and the roof was thatched, the streets were dirty,

they cooked using coals and used a horse and cart to get

around.  Now we have tall buildings, our houses

are made of different materials and we travel

by trains and buses. 


The children worked very hard to write descriptive

sentences about the Great Fire of London. They used 

their senses and amazing  adjectives to paint a

vivid picture on the reader’s mind.


This week, Year 2 has  worked super hard on completing

activities around place value. They have used prior

knowledge of number bonds,  their skills of counting to

100 as well as using concrete objects to solve problems.

They have used a place value chart to identify and

correctly place one digit and two digit numbers on the

right columns. 

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