Friday 27 September 2024

27.7.24 -Year 2 What We Are Learning




The children used their plans from last week to write

a comprehensive fact file about the Great Fire of

London.  They learnt that Londoners lit candles

to see because there was no electricity.  Additionally

they learnt that people walked, rode horses or used

horse-driven carriages as the mode of transportation.

The children accurately explained that  people

had to walk because cars were not invented then.



In Math, pupils have learned about counting forwards and

backwards on a number line as well as filling in the missing

numbers on a number line.They have used their prior

knowledge of counting to 100 to work out and estimate

any numbers on a number line. Also, they were able to

compare objects using the following signs <  >  =.

                                                    Forest School

Pine class were exploring with sounds today at forest school.

We played lots of instruments to see how they make

sounds and then tried to find our own ways to make woodland

instruments. We tapped sticks and stones, we crumpled and

shook leaves. There was lots of fun being part of the orchestra

and also taking it in turns to be the conductor. Well done Pine class. 


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