Friday 13 September 2024

Year 2 Curriculum Letter


  13th September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

        Year Two - Curriculum Newsletter

Welcome back to the new academic year! We hope you have all had

a great summer.  We hope you find this letter informative. Please

do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you

have any questions regarding Year Two.


Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the

following every night:

·         15 minutes reading to an adult and note in the reading record

·         15 minutes practising spellings

·         rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)


The children went home with  their first set of spellings on

Friday  6th September in their  spelling book. They

will need to practise these each evening from Saturday

to Thursday. On Friday, they need to bring their  

spelling book back into school. They will complete their

test in the book so you are able to see how they progress. 

Please ensure that your child brings their

spelling book to school every Friday.

Events  and important dates

Autumn  1

10th September -  Forest School’s first session  for Pine Class 

4th October - 1666 Day (Further information to follow)

16th October -  Year 2 Parent Stay and Learn session

Autumn 2

Date tbc  - Mulberry Class Forest School

Date tbc - Year 2 children’s visit to Tower of London

Date tbc - KS1 Nativity Play

Curriculum Information

We have included a summary of the topics which the

children will be covering this term. If you would like to

make any suggestions of what you or your child would

like to learn in relation to the topics taught, please

speak to your child’s class teacher. We welcome any

We welcome any suggestions you may have.


Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to the year

ahead and are sure it will be full of fabulous learning experiences!

To contact us, please send an email to:

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Fayefunmi  Mulberry Class Teacher and Year 2 Lead  

Mrs Nur Pine Class Teacher    

Miss Harman  Rowan Class Teacher

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