Friday 13 September 2024

Year 2 Certificates



These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence

Mulberry Class

Ashlean, for her brilliant effort in completing her science task to the best of her ability. Well done!

Rowan Class

Kayaan, for working hard to be an independent learner and choosing resources to help him. Great work!

Pine Class

Isabella, for being able to write 2-digit numbers in figures and words. Well done!

  Star Writers 

Mulberry Class

Ashton, for writing a vivid description of the Great Fire of London. He used amazing adjectives to make his writing interesting. Keep it up!

Rowan Class

Jack, for independently using his phonics knowledge during this week's literacy. Brilliant work!

Pine Class

Eridola, for carefully thinking about the placement of capital letters and full stops in her writing. Well done!

The resilience award this week goes to: Elyssa,Layla


These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed

distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed

in their tasks.

The reciprocity award this week goes to: Ashar, Jayden

These children have shown interdependence, collaborated

effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and

have imitated effective ideas and methods from others. 

The I made my teacher happy award goes to: Afreenish

Afreenish has made her teachers happy because

she brightens our

day with her positive attitude towards learning. 

The resourcefulness award this week goes to: Sataish

Well done Sataish for using her sounds to write multiple words

during independent learning sessions. Keep it up!

Well done Sataish for using her sounds to write multiple

words during 

   independent learning sessions. Keep it up!

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