Friday 21 June 2024

Year 1 Awards



These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence

Apricot: Tillie - Rose 

Tillie Rose has been working hard during her phonic intervention. Tillie Rose is enthusiastic in the way he learns her sounds and reads more independently.  

Beech: Lujah

For her hard work in Maths this week. Lujah matched the coins to the correct amounts. Well done Lujah - keep up the good work! 

Walnut: Layla

For her consistent effort during carpet sessions. Layla tries hard to answer the questions and provide reasoning. Fabulous!

Star Writers 

Apricot: Emily

Emily has been trying hard with her writing and has been expressing her ideas openly with her friends. 

Beech: Theodore 

For writing a set of instructions on how to make a cake. He used time adverbials in his writing - well done Theodore! 

 Walnut: Daisy

For trying super hard at her phonics and ensuring she is using her sounds in her writing. Fabulous!


These children have shown interdependence, collaborated effectively, listened to others, displayed empathy and have imitated effective  ideas and methods from others. 


For using lots of different resources to make an amazing creation using junk modelling. Well done Lenny! 


These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 


These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 

Farzaan- Farzaan has been managing distractions of the classroom and working hard in all subjects. 

Mfon- For building lots of great things in the construction area and using her leadership skills to direct others. Excellent!


These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 

I Made My Teacher Happy Award 

Year 1 105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford Primary

Bronze Award 

Silver Award


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