Saturday 1 June 2024

Rowan Class (Year 2 ) Forest School


The Year 2 children are now receiving their second block of Forest School sessions.  The final class to participate in Forest School this year will be Rowan Class.  These sessions will take place on Friday mornings.  Their first session will be after half term on Friday 7th June.  

When participating in these sessions (even during the warmer summer weather), the children are required to wear tracksuit/jogging trousers and welly boots (with their school polo shirt and jumper).  These should be left in school to change into each week.  The school will provide them with waterproofs to wear over the top of their clothing in the event of wet and cold weather.  Forest School sessions take place whatever the weather, so it is important the children are properly dressed, so that they can participate in and enjoy each session fully.  In the summer it is still important that the children's legs are covered (shorts and dresses are not suitable for Forest School).

In preparation for their first session after half term, please send into school for your child a pair of tracksuit/jogging trousers and a pair of welly boots, in a named carrier bag.

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