Saturday 17 September 2022

Year 1 Week 2 Learning


The children in Year 1 have been very busy this week and settling into the new routine really well. The children have been learning inside and outside with the children enjoying Forest school and PE. 


A spaceship has landed in the Year 1 playground this week! The children have become detectives to try and find out who and what has made a crash landing. The children have made a list of items  they found  and written a sentence to describe our new visitor Beegu.

Roza: Beegu is yellow and he’s got long ears.


This week the children have been busy learning about sorting. They have been practically sorting different objects and talking about the different properties of each of the groups. The children have also been practicing their careful counting by playing games and singing songs.

Next week, we will be learning and practicing counting objects from a bigger group. - counting song 

IXL - Represent numbers - up to 20 (Year 1 maths practice)- counting up to 20


The children have had their first science lesson this week. This term they are going to be learning about the seasons and the change in the weather and the surroundings. We enjoyed going on an Autumn walk around the school and completing an animal and plant hunt. Each term, we will complete a new season walk and compare the different seasons.

Next week, we will be focusing on the season of Autumn in more detail.

Unit - Oak National Academy (

What are the seasons? - BBC Bitesize

Science KS1 / KS2: The changing seasons - BBC Teach


This term the children will be exploring and beginning to develop their understanding of the concept of “print”. We will be using our own bodies, then things which we will collect around us, to create a variety of prints. This week we have used our hands to make prints. We used feathers to make plates for printing. Over the course of the term, we will explore how we can build up images by creating multiples, and use line, shape, colour and texture to explore pattern, sequencing and symmetry. 


Art and Design KS1 / KS2: Printmaking with different materials - BBC Teach

Unit - Oak National Academy (

Forest School

Apricot Class had their first Forest School lesson today and they all had a great time. They had fun exploring all the different textures on trees and leaves, had a turn swinging on the hammock and tree printing.   We made sure they were ready by changing into their wellies and bringing a coat. They had lots of fun exploring the site, and found lots of acorns which were falling from the oak tree in the center of our hut. There was time for digging, playing in the hanging cave and making some music. We played games and made our forest school necklaces. It was a busy morning.


Year 1 has been learning about technology around us. They have been using QR codes to direct them onto a typing  game which will help them identify where the letters are on the keyboard. It's also good for letter recognition too!


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