Wednesday 6 September 2017

Year 2 Learning Challenge

Today, the children have been given their Curriculum newsletter for this term along with the Learning challenge. The children always love this topic (as do the adults) and we can't wait to get started!

Please encourage  your child to complete some elements of the learning challenge and give completed projects into the teacher by half term. We can then celebrate their work in assembly.

Your continued support in ensuring the children reach their full potential is highly appreciated.



Write the poem out in your best handwriting.

Draw a picture in similar style.

Draw a portrait of the person.


Learn it off by heart and perform it to somebody else.

Find out 10 facts about London.

Produce a timeline of his life.


Write your own poem inspired by the topic ‘Fire’.

Compare and contrast London today to London in 1666.

Write a diary entry as Samuel Pepys in September 1666.

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