Tuesday 11 July 2017

Year 2 at the Tower of London

On Friday the Year 2 children were lucky enough to visit the Tower of London. After studying Castles and William the Conqueror throughout the summer term, this was their chance to see a Castle in real life and imagine what life would have been like in 1066. 

The children were amazed to see the defensive features of the castle:

"Look, in the castle walls you can see the arrow slits. People inside the castle would shoot arrows out of them without anyone seeing them." Joshua

"I'm pretending to fight using the battlements to hide behind. Look, shoot and duck, shoot and duck!" Dorrie

After exploring the grounds of the Tower of London, the children took part in a workshop led by Sir Thomas. Sir Thomas taught the children what it was like to be a servant, a knight and also helped the children to become a castle with their bodies.

"I was in the inner curtain wall so I had to stand strong." Ollie

"I must look out for enemies." Vinnie

By the end of the day the children were able to associate the historical past they had been learning about with the Tower of London and understand its significance to history today. They all had a fantastic day!

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