Monday 5 January 2015

Learning Challenge Year 2 Spring 1

Learning Challenge - Why, How and What

Why do we have a Learning Challenge?
  • Foster love of learning - We believe that it is a vital way to foster a sense of inquiry in our children, to develop a curiosity about the world and to take pleasure in learning something new.
  • Cultural entitlement - We believe that the our Broadford pupils are entitled to a wide range of cultural opportunities.
  • Parental support - We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how the children's learning can be extended at home.
  • Celebration - We believe that we should be celebrating the work and projects that children choose to do in their own time.
  • Challenge - We believe that we should offer enrichment that provides challenge for all learners (basic, advanced and deep understanding)

How does it work?

  • Half termly - there is a new challenge each half term 
  • Slow learning - because we always have high expectations for their work, it is anticipated that the children will take six weeks to complete the activities.
  • Pupil choice - children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.

Significant Person: Christopher Columbus


Poem:1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue

In fourteen hundred ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

He had three ships and left from Spain;
He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain.

He sailed by night; he sailed by day;
He used the stars to find his way.

A compass also helped him know
How to find the way to go.

Ninety sailors were on board;
Some men worked while others snored.

Then the workers went to sleep;
And others watched the ocean deep.

Day after day they looked for land;
They dreamed of trees and rocks and sand.

October 12 their dream came true,
You never saw a happier crew!

"Indians! Indians!" Columbus cried;
His heart was filled with joyful pride.

But "India" the land was not;
It was the Bahamas, and it was hot.

The first American? No, not quite.
But Columbus was brave, and he was bright.




Painting: Stephen Wiltshire

Aerial view of River Thames



Learn it off by heart.
Draw a picture in similar style.
Draw a portrait of Christopher Colombus.
Write the poem out in your best handwriting.
Find out 10 facts about Stephen Wiltshire.
Produce a timeline of Columbus' life.
Write your own poem inspired by the topic
Use the image as stimulus for a “100 word challenge”.
 Write a diary entry as Columbus whilst he was sailing.



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