Friday 13 January 2023

Year 1- What we have been learning


A big Happy new year from us all in Year 1. The children have had a great full week back at school and have settled in well. They were all very excited to tell the teachers and their peers all about the holidays and what fantastic stories we have heard! This week the children have started a new topic in History all about Mary Seacole which they found really interesting, so we are looking forward to teaching them all about this historic figure. 


This week in Literacy the children have started a new focus  book called Traction Man. It is  all about toys and how Traction Man saves the day with the help of his Scrubbing brush! The children have completed Fact files of their favorite toys and have made predictions about what they think the story will be about using the front cover. 


In math this week the children have been learning about numbers, the value of numbers using tens and ones and how to write them using numerals and the words. The children worked really hard especially when writing the words because some of them are not decodable. 

Next week, the children will be revisiting Addition, but using numbers to 20. The children will be using the different methods like Number lines, part whole models and different objects to find the answer. 



In History this week children have been introduced to Mary Seacole. The children learnt about  her life and how she helped the soldiers in the Crimean War. We had some great discussions and the children had a lot of questions about Mary Seacole and the work that she did. 

Alice - ‘“Why did you become a healer?”

Jace- “ Do you have super powers?”

Alfie- “ Why did you go to the war?”

Noah -  “How did you heal the shoulders?”

Next week, Year 1 will be recalling information that they had researched by writing sentences and discussing what they have learnt with their peers. 


This term our topic for science is Materials. Children will be investigating different materials, talking about their properties, if a material is waterproof, sinking and floating and why different materials are used for different jobs. This week the children have been identifying different materials and learning about their jobs. Would a piece of paper make a good raincoat? why? 


Children have been programming the Beebots this week. They programmed them to navigate around a track, trying not to bump into the sides. It was also a really good way to teach the children about direction. Additionally, the children learnt about digital writing and the use of a computer keyboard. They had the opportunity to write their names  and sentences on ipads.


In year 1 we have been revisiting Christianity. The children discussed what Christian’s believe and what symbols represent Christianity. The children where able to recall what they learnt last term. 

Apricot Class started discussing weddings in churches, which led to some of the children becoming designers and making their own wedding dresses. If you are in need of a new dress please feel free to contact Apricot Class! 

Music Time!

We have been grooving in Year one with our new topic ‘In the groove’.The children listened  to a piece of Jazz and started to find the pulse and tempo. 

Forest School

A wet start to forest school for Year 1 today but with our hoods up and wellies on we didn’t mind. There was time to explore the site, splash in puddles, make some music and hunt for rocks. A great morning for Walnut class!

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