Monday 15 November 2021

Year 1 Awards 12.11.21



We have had another great week and there has been so much to celebrate in Year 1! 

These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence



Aniah-Mai for her great effort during the 2D and 3D  shapes  maths lessons. Aniah-Mai worked very hard to complete her tasks. Well done Aniah-Mai.

Apricot: Parisa

Parisa has been trying her best in all her lessons. Parisa has been working hard and being a great role model for the children in class. She has also got lovely manners, always saying please and Thank you! Well done Parisa!


Sonny, for working extremely hard during the 2d and 3d math session and then completing math activities during the self-led learning session. Excellent work Sonny!


  Star Writers 



Kayden, for working  extremely hard to use his sounds to help him write sentences independently. Keep up the good work Kayden!


Apricot: Himanshi

Himanshi has been clearly expressing her ideas in Literacy. She is gaining a lot of confidence when writing more independently and also proofreading her writing. Keep it up!


















Amaira, you have been working super hard on your writing skills in the RWI sessions and the Topic sessions. You completed a fantastic letter, writing as Pattan using your phonic skills. Well done Amaira.





Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 



These children have demonstrated perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks. 


This has been awarded to:

Osman and Harry



These pupils have been curious about learning, made links between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 


This has been awarded to: 






I Made My Teacher Happy Award 

This has been awarded to: Edward 








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