Friday 17 September 2021

Year 1 Week 3 Learning


The children have settled well into their Year 1 classes and embraced the new routines and responsibilities. Well done to all the children for being super stars and for their first week of independently walking to their new classrooms! 

This week in literacy, the children have started looking at our text for this half term - 'Beegu'. On Monday, the children  noticed something shiny and glittery in the playground. As they approached the PE shed, they saw that…A SPACESHIP HAD LANDED in our playground. The children were excited to investigate and find out what had happened. The children took magnifying glasses, iPads and a paper to investigate. The children found footprints with three toes across the playground, broken pieces of a spaceship, nuts and bolts and an alien spaceship!

After, Beegu had landed the children then made their own alien friends for Beegu.

Next week, we will be focusing on Beegu’s feelings through role play and how she mimics the animals and objects she meets on Earth. 

This week we are carefully counting objects to 10 and beyond using one to one correspondence. The children have been practising counting from a random number forwards and backwards too. Next the children worked together to represent numbers to 10 in different ways.

Next week, we will be focusing on finding one more and one less than a given number to 10 and beyond.

Forest School

Apricot class embraced the rain for their first session of forest school on Tuesday but it didn’t phase them. In fact most of them were loving it! They were catching rain, painting with rain, hunting for nature and making nature treasure sticks. They made forest school necklaces and watched the slugs and worms as they enjoyed the rain. 

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