Friday 6 October 2023

Year 1 - What we are learning

Reminder: Can parents/carers make sure that they are reading regularly with their children and please sign your child's reading record book. 

Thank you 

Space day/History 

The children had a fantastic  day on Monday when they all took part in Space day. The children came into school in fantastic costumes but also the children also made some great costumes that were very shiny and imaginative. The children took part in different activities and learnt all about Neil Armstrong and his life. A lot of the children were interested on him walking on the moon and wondered if he had left any footprints behind...? The children also made jammy spaceships which where bagels with a choice of jam or butter. Not only was this a yummy treat but a good way for the children to practice their gross motor skills. 


This week the children took part in races. They used different skills to move from one side of the grass to another. The had lots of fun racing and cheering on their friends. 


This week we have been focusing on questions, what makes a question and how can we show the readers it is a question rather then a statement. The first lesson was the children working in groups and separating questions from statements,  the second lesson was the children become Beegu and writing questions what they think Beegu may ask. 


Year 1 have been learning 1 more and 1 less this week. The children had a good understanding of recognising that it is 1 jump to find the number they needed. The children had a worksheet to complete and using ten frames to show there working out. 


Children used there investigation skills again this week. The went on an Autumn hunt to see if any changes had occurred since they first started school. The children noticed that more leaves are falling of the tress and that they are seeing a lot more conkers walking to and from school. 


As Year 1 are learning about Christianity, they learnt about how Christians believed the world was created in 7 days. There have been lots of discussions around this and children sharing their experiences when they go to church. 

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