Friday 13 October 2023




These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence

Apricot: Tommy

He always tries his best. Tommy completes his work with lots of care attention, using his phonic knowledge to write unfamiliar words

Beech:  Amedea

For her amazing maths work this week. Amedea was able to solve greater than, less than and equal to problems. She also could write the correct symbols. Well don Amedea!

Walnut: Adelina

Adelina is always polite and kind to everyone she meets and tries super hard in everything she does, never giving up and always showing perseverance. Well done, Adelina!

Star Writers 

Apricot: Sophie

For working hard on both her handwriting and capital letters. She has been remembering to add adjectives in her writing to make it very interesting.

Beech: Charlie

For working super hard in Read, Write, Inc to write full sentences. Well done Charlie!

Walnut: Eridola

Eridola has been using her phonic knowledge to write fabulous questions for Beegu, and she has used a range of adjectives to describe Beegu in her literacy work. Well done, Eridola

Learning Power Awards

These are the key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in class and to be successful later in life. 


These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified key features and can talk about their learning. 

This has been awarded to: Freya

For fantastic reflecting on her learning. She is confident to talk about 'greater than' and 'less than' in maths, but will also ask for help when needed.


These pupils have shown perseverance, managed distractions, noticed patterns and been absorbed in their tasks.

This has been awarded to: Albie
Albie has been coming to school with a much more positive attitude and lots of resilience, which has enabled him to experience more learning opportunities and enjoy time with his friends! Fantastic job, Albie.

For working really hard to blend and put her sounds together and read words. Well done Harley!

I Made My Teacher Happy Award 

Apricot, Beech and Walnut classes

Rayyan- He has made lots of effort with his learning and is trying hard to keep the environment tidy.


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