Sunday 30 March 2014

Tesco Visit

Year 2 have had an amazing time exploring Tesco this week and Clover was an excellent guide. The children were made to feel welcome by all members of staff and Tesco's customers were pleased to see so many well behaved children, some even had time to stop and ask the children why they were visiting.

After signing in, we put on our aprons and hats and carefully entered the Bakery. The children learnt that Tesco make over 3,000 bread rolls every day and about 400 loaves of bread. In the Bakery we were allowed to design our own roll. Once created the Baker placed the rolls into a boiling hot oven. We were allowed to watch our rolls being placed in the oven from a safe distance. Even though we were standing away from the oven we could feel the heat.

Next Clover took us to look at the different food counters and we tasted the different cheeses. If you were feeling brave enough  you could try a little fish called an anchovy. The children really enjoyed the taste of the Cheddar and Edam, but Stilton was not so well received. Surprisingly, the anchovies disappeared quickly during the Monday afternoon visit. Although on the Wednesday morning only a few were brave enough to taste the fish.

When we had tasted enough cheese we went to look at the different fish and we tried to name them. We were able to correctly identify the salmon, mussels and prawns. However the mackerel proved more difficult to find and one fish was mistakingly identified as a phirana!

Then we were taken into the back of Tesco to see where the food is stored until it is needed on the shop floor. Clover let us go into the chiller, which is a large fridge. It was cold in there, but not as cold as the freezer. When we went in the freezer we stepped in for a few minutes and then went quickly back out. It was really cold in there!

Before having a rest, we played a game in the produce aisle. We found out that produce is another name for fruits and vegetables. Each team were given a colour of the rainbow and we had to find two fruits or vegetables that were that colour. Amazingly Clover let us take our findings back to class with us.

Just before we returned to school we had a well earned rest in the staffroom. Clover let us have a drink of squash and a piece of hot cross bun. On the way out we were given a bag which had lots of interesting things inside. Everyone especially liked their notebook and weetabix pencil. As we passed the Bakery we stopped to collect our rolls. We had a wonderful time at Tesco and learnt lots of new information about where our food at home comes from.

Some of the Easter eggs Tesco has in stock. Sadly we were not able to bring one back with us.

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