Friday 15 December 2023

Year 2 What We Are Learning



This week in science we learnt about ‘microhabitats’. A microhabitat is a small area which differs somehow from the surrounding habitat. Its unique conditions may be home to unique species that may not be found in a larger region. We went outside and searched for microhabitats and what lives there. We were lucky enough to find slugs, lady birds, snails and worms. Our task was to draw the microhabitats we observed, describe it and write what lives there.


Our Year 2 children finally had the chance to visit The Tower Of London this week and they had a fabulous time. After the trip, the children wrote a detailed recount of their visit to The Tower Of London. They wrote in the past tense and in a chronological order. Then to create a clearer picture of the fabulous things they saw, they used amazing adjectives. Well done Year 2!



This week, pupils have used their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes and their properties to sort them into groups. Also, they have different patterns using 2D and 3D shapes. Pupils have now completed their shapes unit and will take the end of unit assessment to show their understanding of the whole unit.


Christmas Dinner

 This week, the children had a delicious  Christmas Dinner. They enjoyed their lunch so much that they started a singalong to the Christmas music playing and one child remarked, ‘It was the best day ever!’

Forest School

Today was the final session for Mulberry class before the Christmas break. We wrapped up warm and enjoyed drinking hot chocolate by the fire. We made toast and put jam or honey on it, some children experimented with the combo. There was time to make star forest school decorations using our eco glitter to bring some sparkle. Enjoy the holidays everyone. 

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