Friday 1 December 2023

Year 1 In Action

 Year 1 in Action 

In Year 1 the children have all been working super hard. In Apricot class they have been enjoying building lots of amazing creations in the Construction Area. The children have been demonstrating their reciprocity skills by working as a team to build lots of brilliant designs. They have also been enjoying making playdough and using the cutters and rolling pins to shape and make lots of exciting things out of it. The children have also been building their motor skills by using the hammer and nail pattern boards. They have been developing their hand-eye coordination as well as developing their creativity and imagination by creating lots of different patterns and designs. Apricot class have also been continuing to build their reciprocity skills by taking it in turns to play games together. They have been playing a variety of board games and have been turn-taking and working as a team to complete them.  Well done Apricot class - you have been working so hard!

In Beech class the children have been enjoying role playing in the Home Area. They have been cooking meals with the kitchen utensils and going food shopping with the trolley and purchasing food! They also have been role playing working from home with the keyboard, mouse and phone. Beech class have also been writing notes and shopping lists in the Home Area. They like to write sentences on the whiteboard and have been enjoying completing festive crosswords in the Writing Area. The children have enjoyed reading books to each other in the Reading Corner. They also like to role play the stories with the puppets. In the Arts and Crafts Area the children have been enjoying making lots of wonderful pictures and they have started to enjoy decorating and making festive Art. Beech class also enjoy making lots of amazing creations out of junk modelling. They have also been working hard to build lots of brilliant designs in the Construction Area. The children have been demonstrating reciprocity by working together. Well done Beech class - keep up the good work! 

In Walnut class the children have been working hard on their writing skills. They have been writing and making their own stories and books in the Literacy Area. They have also been enjoying reading stories together in the Book Corner. Walnut class have been discovering lots of creatures in their Sand Area. They worked together to discover what the creatures were and discussed what they eat. This links to our Science work as we have been learning all about animals and what certain animals eat! They have also been enjoying sorting the animals from the rainforest. Walnut class also have been building their motor skills in the Finger Gym Area. They have been developing their reciprocity skills by working as a team. Walnut class also enjoy storytelling and role playing together in their teepee tent. Well done Walnut class - keep up the excellent work!

Year 1 have been working super hard, well done everyone, keep up the brilliant work!

Junk Modelling and Home Corner Resources: 

If any parents have any recycled household objects that we could use for junk modelling in our Art Areas please bring them in. Thank you so much! Also if anyone has any household objects that they do not need anymore such as weighing scales, jugs, timers, old phones or anything else for the home please donate for our Home Corner. Thank you so much for all of your continued support. 

The Year One Team 

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