Friday 22 September 2023

Year 1- What we are learning


Another great week in Year 1. The children have settled in really well, they have been extremely  resilient in learning the new routine and getting engrossed in all the learning. 

Please could you continue to read with your children and practice the spelling at least 3-4 times a week. It is so important for their leaning and reading skills. Could we also remind you to sign their record books so we know that they are accessing reading at home. 

Thank you 


This week in Maths the children have been practicing their careful counting. They have been counting from a larger group up to 20. We have also been using other concrete objects to count. For example the children have been counting with ten frames to help them to recognise a number. 


This week for History the children have been recapping Chronological order. The have started to have great knowledge in knowing what it means. This is preparing them for the start of our new History topic. Which is yet to be revelled!

Year 1 have been introduced to the Story Beegu this week. The have been looking at how they think Beegu is feeling and if they can predict this by her body language. Then children used post it notes to express what she may have been feeling. They also completed speech bubbles to demonstrate what Beegu may have said when she crash landed. 

Continuing with out topic this term the children have been looking at the weather. They were asked if they recognised the weather labels and were asked to complete a worksheet to show their understanding. We also went outside to experience what the weather was like, all the children enjoyed playing in the light rain! Autumn has arrived!

Apricot Class- Forest School

Apricot Class had a fantastic time at Forest School. They went on a treasure hunt to find natural objects that you would find the the forest. They also were introduced into the Forest school rules, walking around the fire pit and then sat down and had a juice and biscuit.  

 Year 1 have been practising their throwing and catching skills this week. They are learning basic skills so as they get older they will be more confident to be able to play different ball games with confidence. 

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