Friday 17 June 2022

Year 1 Week 2 Learning 17.06.2022




Important Dates

Local Trips

Just to inform you Year 1 will be visiting the library on Wednesday 22nd June 2022.

Year 1 will be buying their ingredients from Lidl on Monday 27th June 2022.

End of Year Experience

Barleylands Thursday 7th July 2022

Please click here to complete the Year 1 consent form.

Phonics Screening 2022

The children completed their Phonic Screening Tests this week. We are so proud of everyone. The children were so excited to read to Mrs Nicholls, Mrs Stanley and Mrs Rice. The most excited children to complete the test to date! 


This week we have been writing a list of ingredients to make sure we know what to buy when we visit Aldi. Year 1 also  wrote a set of instructions so the cakes that we make  will taste delicious. 

Next week, we are going to be writing a persuasive letter to the Cook to ask her if we can bake our yummy cakes in the oven. This week the  children are also going to be visiting the library which they are really looking forward too.


This week, the children have been learning to count, to and across 100, forwards and backwards. The children spent time practising partitioning tens and ones. 

Next week the children will be revisiting addition and subtraction.

Toy Shop Money

Coins Game


This term our focus will be learning about plants.  We will be naming a variety of the names of a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees. Knowing the basic structure (different parts) of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees; this includes leaves, flowers (blossom), petals, fruit, roots, bulb, seed, trunk, branches and stem. In addition, understanding what the different parts of a plant and tree do.

The children enjoyed learning about what plants need to grow. The children planted their own cress seeds and spoke about what the seeds needed to germinate and grow. Year 1 recapped our previous experiment of ‘What do plants need to grow?” and the best conditions for germination.

Afterwards the children went on a walk around the school to look at the different wild plants and talk about what they could see. The children worked together in pairs to find the different wild plants on their wild plant hunt sheet. 

Rio: “Look we found some poppies.”

Oscar: “Look I found a thistle.”

Jessica: “Look there are nettles.”


We have been learning  about how to use the shape and line tools to recreate the work of an artist.The children had to make marks with the square and line tools, using the shape and line tools effectively to recreate their own piece of work inspired by the famous artist Piet Mondrian.


This term the children will be learning about the religion of Islam. Our big question focus is 

“Who are Muslims and what do they believe?”

As part of our work the children were learning about the Qu’ran and why it is special. Afterwards the children wrote about the things which are special to them.

Skipping Workshop

Beech Class

Skipping workshop - Walnut

Thank you to Georgia and the team at the Skipping Workshop. The children thoroughly enjoyed their session on Thursday. They had a fabulous time learning to skip and practising their jumping skills.

Walnut Class Forest School

This morning forest school was filled with a selection of ways for the children to explore. We had drawings with chunks of chalk and charcoal left from the fire, some moved around the school site to identify trees as we only have one in our area. Others went on a nature scavenger hunt, some items were easy to find, others more tricky and some just not available on our site. We made a giant obstacle course enabling the children to balance and climb. They added parts and made gaps for jumping. Lots of active learning today, well done Walnut Class!


Summer Fun In The Sun

It was very hot at Broadford Primary School this week and Year One kept cool by making a shallow pool to dip their feet in. They had lots of fun in the Sun by using the trays to jump and splash in.

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