Friday 10 May 2024

Year 2 Learning



This week, pupils looked at the original story of Jack and the Beanstalk and compared it with Jack and the Baked Beanstalk using conjunction. Pupils were able to retell both stories and discussed the similarities and differences between the characters, setting and key events.


This week in math we learnt about unit and non unit fractions. Unit fractions always have the numerator as 1 whereas non unit fractions are where the numerator is not 1. We showed great resilience when solving math problems. We also practiced reasoning questions where we had to solve multi-step problems. 


This week in PE we did athletics. We practiced running, doing relays, throwing  a javelin and aiming for a target. We cheered our friends on and showed great sportsmanship.  

Harvey- "That one went so far"

Alice- "I got it in woo"

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