Friday 17 May 2024

Year 1: What We Are Learning


Year 1: What We Are Learning 

Year 1 have been working really hard this week. They have made all of their teachers so proud this week with the amazing work and effort they have all shown. Well done to all Year 1 pupils you should be very proud of yourselves.

The children have also been working hard in Read, Write, Inc this week. Please continue to read with your children and work on their Spellings with them. Please remember to sign your child's Reading Record Book. 

In PE the children continued to work on their ball skills.

In PSHE the children made their own learning lines. They discussed things that they found hard to do at first but that they now know how to do, such as riding a bike. They wrote about what they found hard to do at first, what they did to overcome it and how they feel about it now.

Well done Year 1 for an amazing week - keep up all your brilliant work! 

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