Dear Parents and Carers,
Year Two - Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome back! We have planned lots of exciting topics
and stories to engage the children over the course of
the Summer Term and we have explained the curriculum
we will be following below. If you would like any further
information please email
Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should
do the following every night:
· 15 minutes reading to an adult and note
in the reading record
· 15 minutes practicing spellings
· 15 minutes rehearsing times tables
facts (including multiplication and division)
The children will receive spellings each Friday in a
spelling book. These words will usually be either
‘red words’ (words that cannot be sounded out)
or ‘high frequency words’ (words that they will use
in the writing frequently) together with words that
have the sounds they are learning at school. Please
practise these spellings with your child each night.
Please ensure that your child brings their
spelling book to school every Friday.
They will complete their test in the book as this
allows you to see their results. We will then
send new spellings home in the book each
Monday. You may find that some words come
up in the tests more than once.
Trips and Visits
Date tbc - Visit to Discovery Centre
Date tbc - Supermarket Visit
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which
the children will be covering this term. If you would
like to make any suggestions about what you
would like your child to learn or you would like
any guidance about how you can help your child
at home, please speak to your child’s class teacher
as we welcome any suggestions you may have.
Thank you for your continued support, we look
forward to the term ahead and are sure it will
be full of fabulous learning experiences!
Yours Sincerely,
The Year Two Team
Curriculum Area | 1st Half Term | 2nd Half Term |
Reading | Phonics Children will be assessed and grouped across the year group according to their needs for the teaching of Read, Write, Inc our phonics scheme. It is really important children have a good phonic knowledge and learn to be fluent readers this half term. We will revise Set 2 sounds and Set 3 in class. This is a good website with a variety of games to practise phonics skills. If you want more information on the best level to start with your child, ask their class teacher.
Reading Books As reading is a huge priority here at Broadford, we will do our best to encourage the children to change their books regularly and every child will read 1:1 with an adult at least once a week. Please remind the children to let any adults know if they need to change their book and that it is their responsibility to bring any old reading books back to school.
Writing | Children will be using the focus text Jack and the Baked Beanstalk by Colin Stimpson
We will be writing our own versions of the story with alternative endings.
| We will also be looking at the text ‘Chocolate Planet’ and the children will be writing letters and instructions.
Finally, the children will look at poetry.
| Some skills we will focus on this term will be: Using phonic knowledge to identify the sounds in unfamiliar words and using syllables to divide longer words. Begin to use a variety of punctuation correctly including capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks and full stops. Plan and discuss the content of their writing and write down ideas. Writing a coherent narrative based on a familiar text. This link has some useful games for punctuation. |
Maths | Fractions Time | Statistics Position and direction |
| (This is a great way to practice times tables) Please find your child’s TT Rockstar login in the front of their reading record. |
Science | Living Things, their Habitats and Food Chain | Living Things and their Habitats Harvesting and Cooking
Computing | Creating Media - Digital Music | Programming - Programme Quizzes |
RE | How do religions celebrate the birth of a baby? | What festivals do different religions celebrate? |
PE/ Forest School | Mulberry Class - Forest school on Friday (Starts on 19.4.24) Pine & Rowan - Computing/Music and DT will alternate each week. When participating in Forest School sessions (whatever the weather), the children are required to wear tracksuit/jogging trousers and welly boots (with their school polo shirt and jumper). These should be left in school to change into each week.
PE Summer 1 - Athletics | Summer 2 - Sending and Receiving |
Children are required to wear their PE kits to school on their PE day. The children will have PE on the following days. Tuesday - Rowan Class Wednesday - Pine Class Friday- Mulberry Class (in addition to their Forest School session) |
Music | Friendship Song | Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
PHSE | Growth Mindset Looking after my body Hygiene and Healthy Exercise and Sleep | Life Cycles Dealing with Loss Being Supportive Growing and Changing Privacy |
History/Geo | History Industrial Revolution and The Sinking of the Titanic (Local/national and international events) | Geography Weather - Daily and seasonal changes at home and abroad Climate |