Friday 3 February 2023

Year 1 - What we have been learning


This week has been very busy. Even though we have been in school for 4 days the children have still been continuing with the Phonics, Literacy and math lesson. They are continuing to work hard and will be completing assessments next week. 


WOW! Year 1 should be very proud of the writing that was completed this week. Children have been working hard on handwriting and checking that they have finger spaces and capital letters. Children completed diary entries in the role of Traction man using past tense and writing in first person. 

Next week the children will be completing phonic assessments and completing a piece of writing that is completely independent. 


This week children have been working on Doubles. They have been recognising that double means adding the same number but they have also been learning how they can use their doubling skills when adding to digits together. The children have made great progress with their addition over the last 2 weeks. 

Next week, children will be completing math assessments to show the adults what they have learnt and achieved throughout the term. 



As Mary Seacole was a healer the children have been learning about Herbal remedies and how she used natural plants, fruits and spices to help cure the wounded soldiers. Year 1 filled in a worksheet highlighting which natural resources helped with a bad cough, burnt skin and spots! Additionally, they created a sign advertising Mary Seacole’s British Hotel that she built in Crimea to care for wounded soldiers.


This week in science we have been learning and experimenting with waterproof materials. The children used different materials to investigate what was waterproof and record the finding using a table in their books.  

In ICT, the children measured the path of the Beebots using non-standard measures such as pencils, lego and footsteps. The children also predicted the behavior of simple programs.


Apricot class had PE this week. They were taking part in obstacle courses, some courses were harder than others so it was a big challenge for the children’s  physical abilities. 

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