Friday 1 April 2022

Year 1 Learning Week 5 & 6


The Year One Team would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter break. The children have been working so hard all term and they were super excited to have a surprise Easter Egg Hunt.

The children went on a Common Exception egg hunt around Year One finding the secret letters and breaking the secret code. The reward…..chocolate of course!

The children have worked incredibly hard over the past two weeks completing their tasks and assessments. We were incredibly proud of how the children completed their practice phonic screening check. The children enjoyed reading the real and alien words without realising we were practising for the Year 1 Phonics Check Week which begins in June. 

Set 1 2 3 Sounds

2019 Screening Test Information 


The children have turned into newsreaders and journalists. The children completed their own news cast and have written up newspaper articles because a Snail has been washed up onto Southend beach!

‘ Breaking news, the snail has been found in Southend and went to the water park’ -Ayla 

‘Breaking news, the snail went to go on the roller coasters’. - Elliot Ellis 

 What are adjectives?


The children learnt about mass. They used scales to measure how heavy different objects are using cubes to balance their objects.  In addition, they  compared different masses  and used vocabulary associated with mass like heavy, heavier and  lighter.

Aadya: ‘The apple is heavier than the orange.’

Aniah  - Mai: ‘The banana weighs 7 cubes.’

Subtraction Grids - Topmarks

   Hit the Button  

Snappy Maths

Mental Math Train - A Four Operations Game


This term, we have been learning about the continents and oceans around the world. We have mapped the continents and oceans using atlases, Google Earth and maps of the world. 


The children have been planting bulbs in our gardening area and discussing what plants and flowers need to grow.


Thank you to Year 5 for your support helping the children practice their keyboard and touchpad skills.

Apricot Class Forest School

Apricot class had their final session this term and it was jam packed. Everyone got busy making woodland warrior wristbands with varying designs depending on what they were able to find. We had a fire and enjoyed toasting marshmallows. Some children made them into s’mores and others had their marshmallow and biscuits separately. There was hot chocolate on offer as well as squash. The children helped extinguish the fire and shared their favourite memories from the sessions, these included seeing tadpoles, making the wristbands and of course eating marshmallows.

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