Monday 11 December 2017

Justine Greening Visits Year 2!

Recently, the children in Year 2 were honoured to have a visit from the Secretary of State for Education - Justine Greening!

First, Justine spoke to Miss Estall about our self-led approach to learning which allows for greater depth and understanding due to the use of focus group teaching. We then discussed the importance of independence and time management as this is a life-long skill which we must acquire to be successful. Both of these skills are developed daily using our approach. 

Justine then went to interact with the children; they were so excited to have a real life celebrity in their classroom and were keen to show off what they do on a daily basis! 
 Justine spent time with children who were completing their class 'jobs' such as, finding amounts of money, sorting true/false money statements, writing kenning poems and researching Australian animals... all in the children's independent time.

Klaidi - "She watched me do my Showbie job, she was really nice and friendly."

Maddison - "I was using the QR to find out about Kookaburras, she said she liked my writing."

Kanishka - "We were doing our shape poems, I had 7 kennings about a rabbit, I was excited for Justine to see my writing."

Well done children, you certainly did us proud!

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