Friday 4 October 2024

Year 1: Learning Blog 04.10.2024

Year 1 : Learning Blog  Week 5

In Maths this week the  children were exploring 1 less of a number within 10. They used multlink to make a number then worked in pairs to find one less.  

In Science this week the children were learning about sound. 
They completed a walk in different parts of the school and recorded the things they heard. 

Apricot Class -

Apricot class had great  fun at the Forest School this week.  

The children were busy painting using powder paints on wet cotton, making mud pies for the insects to eat, digging for worms, listening to stories and making mud sculptures. 

The children used their great imaginations by making a mud man and bird, moulding mud pots and decorating their pies with natural objects they could find.

It has fantastic to see the children being interested in and exploring natural resources such as acorns, mud and sticks. 

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