Monday 31 October 2016

Fun in Year 1

It has been a great week back for the children in year one, all excited to see their friends and tell tales from their holiday. However, it did not take the children long to explore the new resources in their environment and for the creative juices to begin to flow! 

In the 'loose parts' area, the children discovered some new tarpaulin and wanted to make a den. What started out as a small den, developed into a huge canopy, with the sides being pinned to the poles and the wall. 

A group of year one boys then came up with a fantastic idea! They wanted to use the roof of the den as part of a catching game. They came up with rules together and as the balls were thrown up the sloped roof and came rolling back down, the children had to catch as many as they could before they reached the floor.

It was great to see year one using Reciprocity and Resourcefulness , working collaboratively to create new games together! 

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