Saturday 9 February 2013

Fun Experiments To Try At Home

In science lessons at school the children have been learning about forces. To begin with we found out how pushes and pulls move objects and used play dough to learn forces can sometimes change the shape of objects. Then we investigated invisible forces by flying kites we had made, experimenting with magnets, using guttering to observe the affects of gravity, and observing how friction created by different surfaces affects the speed of a toy car.

Here is a link to some science experiments you might like to try at home:

We discovered that even when we stood still the force of the wind would move our kites.

We found out which magnets were strongest by investigating how many paper clips we could pick up.

The force of some magnets was so great we could move the paperclip through the plastic container!

Pushing and pulling can change the shape of some objects.

We used syringes to try and squirt water up the guttering. However, we soon discovered this was an impossible task as gravity pulled the water back down.

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