Thursday, 31 January 2019

Year 1 penalty shoot out!

Year 1 penalty shoot out!

The children in year one have not been put off by the cold weather this week! During their outdoor learning time, they organised a penalty shoot out consisting of two teams and rotating goal keepers.

The children showed fantastic reciprocity skills in organising the game and communicating with each other to make sure everybody had a turn. They applied the addition skills they have been learning in maths to help Danny keep score, counting on each time somebody scored a goal.

Well done year one, fantastic team work!

'I will be the goalie for Faizah's team and Riley can be the goalie for Leonard's team' - Noah
'1 more goal until Faizah's team gets to 5!' - Danny L
'Good save!' - Mackenzie
'I haven't got one in yet but I'm going to try again.' - Faizah

Pine's Learning Challenges

Pine's Learning Challenges

This week, some of the children in year one have completed their learning challenges at home.  

Thomas learnt Mrs Brown the Circus Clown by Kenn Nesbitt and read it aloud to the class beautifully. Luke created some lovely artwork in the style of George Seurat and even wrote some facts about his life. The class were very impressed with the children’s efforts and we have even displayed Luke’s painting in the art area for inspiration!

Well done for continuing your learning at home!

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Certificates in Year 2

Certificates in Year 2! 

A huge well done to Laura for her Fact Hunter certificate! She used her choice time and time at home to research facts about our current Topic; Christopher Columbus! 

Also, well done to Gurrehmat for receiving her Project Superstar certificate! She has clearly been working hard at home on her learning challenge! 

Well done once again girls, we're looking forward to giving out more certificates to amazing children! 

Monday, 28 January 2019

Wonderful Weather in Year 1

Wonderful Weather in Year 1 

The children have been working hard in Geography learning all about wonderful weather.  The children have been learning about the different types of weather that occur during the seasons of the year.  The children were so excited to see snow last week in the Outside Area and we have been looking up the weather forecast to see if any more snow is coming!
The children matched the different types of weather to the seasons and wrote about what to expect during each season.

"It snows in the Winter." - Christian

In the Spring flowers grow." - Shivangi 

Mulberry Certificates

Mulberry Certificates 

This week in Mulberry class Ellie-Maie was awarded the E for Excellence certificate for her hard work in Maths.  Ellie-Maie completed subtraction number sentences - well done Ellie-Maie!
Christian was awarded the Star Writer certificate this week.  Christian was awarded this certificate for his excellent adjectives to describe characters from the Circus. Well done Christian keep up the good work!

Year One are...Cooking with cubes!

Cooking with cubes

As always, here in Year One we are constantly looking for ways to bring the curriculum to life through fun, worthwhile experiences. This half term in maths we are teaching measure through cooking. 

The children in Year One need to learn to measure using non-standard and standard units of measure so together we have converted some scrumptious recipes from grams into cubes. The children are working with an adult for the first few weeks to learn how to correctly measure, before it becomes an independent activity.

The children used the balance scales to measure out the ingredients. Some of the ingredients required 50 cubes. The children said it was taking too long to count 50 cubes so the organised the cubes in sticks of 10.

'I loved doing this. I have made cakes at home but never
 all by myself. I can't wait to bake all by myself! This is the best maths!

Rowan Class- Learning Challenge

Rowan Class 
Learning Challenge Superstars!

What an amazing week Rowan Class have had! The have been working very hard at home on their learning challenges and here are some of their efforts...

Noah worked with his mum to create an amazing poster all about P. T. Barnham.
'I really liked doing this with my mum. 
We looked up the facts together. I liked how my poster looked!'

Maggie created a poem with her dad all about a stone. Maggie then read this with confidence to the class.
'Me and my dad did this together and I practised
 reading it out at home. I think the class liked it too! 

Aimen took on a few of the challenges and did a fantastic job. She created a picture and a poster all about P. T. Barnham. Both looked amazing.
'I had to be very careful when was doing my picture 
as I wanted it to look really nice. I liked doing my 
learning challenges and getting 2 certificates! 

Awwal learnt the circus poem and performed it to the class. 
'I though the poem was funny. I didn't mind reading it out loud'

Faye created a poster with all the facts she knew about the circus. She worked on this independently and was very proud of her efforts.
'I decorated it with hearts so it would look nice 
and then mor people would look at it.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Statistics in Year 2

In Year 2 this week, we have been learning all about the importance of data and different was to represent it. The children have been super busy collecting information and then transferring it into bar graphs, pictograms and tally charts. They have been able to use this information to answer lots of different questions about the favourite colours and ice-cream flavours in Year 2!

The favourite flavour ice-cream in Chestnut class is chocolate - Medeea
The least favourite flavour ice -cream in Year 2 is vanilla - Thabang

Outside Learning in Year 2

This week, the children have been super busy in the outdoor learning environment, designing their own obstacle course. The children had lots of different ideas and designs and they worked collaboratively using the equipment to set up their courses. They were able to use the stop watches to time their friends completing the courses and they used their resourcefulness skills to redesign and make the obstacle courses more difficult.
They went on to record the times, which linked to their Maths learning on statistics.

I had so much fun designing my obstacle course - Tiffany

You have to jump in all of the hoops and then run to the end of the field as quick as you can - Tyler

Amended Writing and Grammar Stay and Learn Year 2

Related image

Hello parents,

We are holding a stay and learn session on Tuesday 5th February. The time will now be at 2.15pm. We will be introducing grammar from Year 2 and there will be opportunities to see year 2 level work and ask questions to year 2 staff.

Another note for your diaries- on 1st February the school will be celebrating number day. Your children can dress as anything they wish that relates to Maths. We are looking forward to seeing your costumes!

Many thanks,

Y2 Team

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Pine Class Certificates

Pine Class Certificates 

Congratulations to Starla and Jaymee! Starla received her certificate for the fantastic reciprocity skills she showed when she built an obstacle course outside and taught her friends in year one how to use it. Jaymee received his resilience certificate for his effort in his writing - well done for always trying your best!

Well done to this weeks chosen children, keep up the great work! 

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

year 2 spellings 21.1.19

Group 1


Group 2


Year 2 making origami

As part of our topic this term, the children have been looking at boats. In Art, they have followed instructions in order to make origami boats. We talked about using wax crayons to make this waterproof and then the children tested these out in the water tray. They enjoyed learning about where origami comes from and its history.
Later, the children watched origami videos in order to make other things and it was lovely to hear the children taking this skill home and making other things!

'origami is paper folding so you wont need glue or scissors' Ceejay
'I used lots of wax crayons on both sides to make it colourful and help it float' Abdulmalik
'The wax helps it become waterproof and the water drips off it' Lilly
'Origami comes from Japan' David

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Loose parts wanted

Dear Parents/carers

We are trying to source various items to further develop our home and role play areas. If you can help and have any of the following resources they would be greatly received. Please send them to your child’s teacher or a member of the Year 1 team. Thank you for your support.
  • Kitchen scales
  • Bathroom scales
  • Bags/Purses 
  • Watches/Clocks 
  • Old phones 
  • Necklaces/Bangles/Beads 
  • diaries/calendars (2019)
  • Old pots/pans 
  • Old keys
  • metal jugs
  • hats
Image result for old phonesImage result for metal jugs and tea setsImage result for metal jugsImage result for bagsImage result for pots and pansImage result for hats
Image result for dressing up bangles

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Y2 Spellings


Please find the spellings for Year 2 for this week. You have the paper copy stuck in your homework book. Don't forget you can see your marks in the back of the book. For Maths we are looking at times tables (2, 5, 10 and 3).

Group 1


Group 2

Y2 Learning Challenge and Termly Overview

Welcome back to Year 2, below is the Learning Challenge and Termly Overview. Paper copies have also been sent home. We look forward to seeing your projects and giving out lots of certificates! Remember you have the whole 5 weeks to complete your challenge.

Don't forget if you are looking for other activities to practise your times tables (you can even do this on many apps online now or follow the BBC bytesize games). We are learning 2, 5, 10 and 3. You can also take home Rockstar sheets to help.

You can also read every day at home and you can change your books every morning on your way into school and during choice time. Well done to all the children who moved colour last term! Great job!

Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 2 – Spring Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome back to the New Term! We hope you find this letter informative. This term, University of Broadford begins! Each week on a Friday afternoon, the children will attend their chosen course, which they are very excited about. Later in the term children will ‘graduate’ which you will be invited to attend (dates to be confirmed).
Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the following every night:
·         15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult and note in the reading record
·         15 minutes practicing spellings
·         15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)

If children would like to attempt an additional challenge, we have a new Learning Challenge for children to attempt. All of the activities are based around a significant person, poem or painting relating to our topics. Children do not have to attempt every activity but instead select the activities that they are most interested in and compile a project that reflects the extra time and effort that they have put into their challenge. We hope that children will take their time with the challenge and be proud of the work they produce.

Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practise their words every evening. The test will take place on Fridays.
Year 2 will have a Sculpture workshop this term. We will be having our annual infant music festival. We will be having open events on 5th February to show Writing and Grammar (9am) and 19th March to show Maths Reasoning (9am).
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like to make any suggestions of what you or your child would like to learn in relation to the topics taught, please let the team know. We welcome any suggestions you may have.

Yours Sincerely,
Ms Hammond          Mr Jackson            Ms Jennings      
Cherry teacher
Year 2 Leader                      Cedar teacher                 Chestnut teacher


1st Half Term
2nd Half Term

Christopher Columbus
The Great Outdoors
RWI and Literacy and Language

RWI and Literacy and Language
Please fill in the reading record after hearing your child read in order to gain prizes and certificates.
For a good selection of childrens books visit your local library.
Useful web links-

Length & height
Problem solving
Please practice the 2, 5, 10, 3 times tables with your children. We complete Rock Stars Maths. Children may take home the sheet they are on to practice. It needs to be completed in 5 minutes to move onto the next sheet.
Useful websites:
Google maps
Online research
Purple Mash
Materials - habitats
Materials – habitats

You could visit the Science Museum. Admission is free. Located at Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD.
Christopher Columbus – compass points
The Oceans & Continents

Ball games
Ball games

Beat and rhythm
Pitch and Timbre
Art/ Design and Technology
American Indian art
Steven Wiltshire.
Growth mindset

Significant Person: Christopher Columbus

Poem:1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue

In fourteen hundred ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

He had three ships and left from Spain;
He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain.

He sailed by night; he sailed by day;
He used the stars to find his way.

A compass also helped him know
How to find the way to go.

Ninety sailors were on board;
Some men worked while others snored.

Then the workers went to sleep;
And others watched the ocean deep.

Day after day they looked for land;
They dreamed of trees and rocks and sand.

October 12 their dream came true,
You never saw a happier crew!

"Indians! Indians!" Columbus cried;
His heart was filled with joyful pride.

But "India" the land was not;
It was the Bahamas, and it was hot.

The first American? No, not quite.
But Columbus was brave, and he was bright.

Painting: Stephen WiltshireAerial view of River Thames

Learn it off by heart.

Draw a picture in similar style.
Draw a portrait of the person.
Write the poem out in your best handwriting.

Find out 10 facts about Stephen Wiltshire.
Produce a timeline of his life.
Write your own poem inspired by the theme ‘exploration’.
Create your own landscape drawing depicting places of significance to you.
Write a diary entry as Columbus whilst he was sailing.