Wednesday 8 June 2016

Year 2 Learning Challenge

Please see below a copy of the final Learning challenge of the year.

We love to celebrate the children's work so please encourage them to complete some of the elements and bring it into School.


Significant Person: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. 





Poem: ‘Share not’ by Ilene Bauer. 

When I go out to dinner,
I do not want to share.
I don’t care what is on your plate;
I don’t want to compare.

I scan the menu up and down
And then make my selection.
When it arrives, it’s meant for me
And not for your inspection.

“You want to taste my fish?” I’m asked.
Some people never learn;
For then the expectation is
To taste mine in return.

And so the answer’s always No!
Yet comments never cease.
“Your fries look really good!” They are,
So let me eat in peace!

Each morsel on my dish is mine
And I intend to finish.
Perhaps my attitude will make
Your thoughts of me diminish.

I’m sorry if that is the case –
Dessert I’ll split just fine;
But when the meal’s delivered –
You eat yours and I’ll eat mine!


Artist: Still Life: Blue Enamel Coffeepot, Earthenware and Fruit by Van Gogh.


Find out 5 facts about the painting/artist.
Draw a portrait of the person.
Copy the poem in your neatest handwriting.
Draw a still life picture of food.
Find out 10 facts about the person and their achievements.
Create your own acrostic poem with ‘dinner’ as your vertical word.
Write a biography about the Artist.
Compare the lives of Prince William and William the Conqueror. Focus on similarities and differences between their lives as a Royal.
Make up your own song about food.


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